I cannot tell you how many times someone has come to me in say May and said they want to get fit or lose weight for summer.
If you want to change your body you need time to do it. It will not happen overnight.
If you want to be "summer" ready then you actually need to be working on it all year. There really isn't any benefit to not bothering for 10 months of the year then trying to drop a few dress sizes in a couple weeks. Yoyoing back and forth isn't healthy either.
It isn't just about how we look, it is also about health and we really should be looking after that aspect 365 days of the year.
Apart from anything else is is much easier to get the look you want if you stay consistent. Then once you reach your goal it is just about maintenance and that is the easier part.
If you can create a habit of eating well and keeping the treats to moderation then it will be much easier I promise.
Get to the gym or do whatever your workout of choice is 4 or more times a week and eat right 80% of the time and you will reach your goals!
But the key thing is consistency. I train 6-7 days a week and I rarely skip it. I eat right 80% or more of the time. I don't drink or smoke either. I really value being healthy and staying in shape and this also means that I don't have a panic just before summer that I won't be "ready"
So make looking after your health and your body a part of your lifestyle and not a temporary thing.